Friday, January 23, 2015

Five for Friday

Hi friends!! I'm super excited to be linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday. I haven't done one in a long time!! But I'm not feeling too well and curled up with Lifetime movies so I figured it was the perfect time to do it. :) There are 2 freebies in here for you too!! :) 

I FINALLY updated our Reading Level display. I did it outside last year and you can grab all these pieces on this blog post! This year I decided to change it up a bit and put it on the door! We are LOVING it. The squares are just taped so they can move them easily!! 

They don't put their name on the squares so no one knows who's square is whos. They get SO excited to move their squares. If you don't have a visual display for their reading levels, DO IT! It is seriously so motivating to them! 

I am so excited about my Scholastic Dollar Deals!! Do you buy those? Each month they have a book for 1.00!! Sometimes they are easy readers, but sometimes, like this month, they are some of our favorite trade books!! I got class sets of all 3...I think I'll use them for Valentine's Day, Spring Break, and End of the Year. Or I may do all 3 for Valentine's Day and order more, ahhaha!! Elephant and Piggie was 2.00, but the other 2 were only 1.00!! Can NOT beat that! Have you read Bad Kitty?! We LOVE it! Bad Kitty Christmas is even better! 

We finished up measurement, and we have moved on to fractions!! Before we started talking about halves, fourths, and thirds we did an entire lesson on equal and non equal parts. I think it was a great anchor activity that we can go back to!! 

You can click the picture to graph your own copy!! 

Have your kiddos gotten back into the swing of things after the Break? Mine are still struggling a KNOW how I love the wild babies. They are my favorite...but I think it's important that no matter how crazy I let them be 95% of the time, when someone is talking they need to listen and not interrupt. ESPECIALLY when one of their friends is talking. :) So, we read Interrupting Chicken. If you haven't read it, you SHOULD!! 

After we read the book, we started a new little incentive! Each time a friend interrupts, they cross off a minute. At the end of the week, the chart tells us how many minutes of EXTRA recess they get. :) I try not to be punitive with most things so even though I'm taking things away, its really just earning extra minutes. :) You can click the picture to grab your own chart!! :) 

Finally, I have been hard at work on a new Data Binder. I am SO excited for this product. I have been collaborating with some of my closest friends on what they would want in a binder so I'm hoping its useful to everyone!! :) So far I've only done reading...I'm NOwhere done but I wanted to give you a little sneak peak! :) 

I only showed a few graphs for each section, but there are TONS of graphs so you can decide if you want to do monthly, quarterly, or fill in your own dates!! \

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you have a fabulous weekend! Don't forget to head on over to Casey's blog and read some other fabulous posts or link up your own!! 


  1. I love buying the Scholastic books for a dollar! That's how I got all my class sets plus the ones I give away, like yours! It's the best thing to be able to give each student a book!
    I bet Interrupting Chicken was hilarious to read aloud - I haven't read it myself, but I know a few people who probably should...
    Buzzing with Ms. B

  2. Hi Haley! I'm so glad I found your blog through the link up with Doodle Bugs! I have a very similar problem with my first graders right now and LOVE your interrupting chicken incentive! I have the book and have yet to read it to the kids, so this is definitely going to happen come Monday! Thanks for the idea, enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Teach Talk Inspire

  3. Your new data binder looks AH-mazing!!! Of course! I love The Interrupting Chicken. This is the perfect time of year for that book. Time to go dig it out :) Thank for the freebie.

    First Grade Smiles

  4. What's the link for the Scholastic dollar deals? I want in! :)
