Thursday, December 5, 2013

12 Days of Christmas!

Hi sweet friends! I hope you are having a great week back at school after Thanksgiving! They are telling us tomorrow will probably be a snow day. I hate making those days up, but I won't pass up a 3 day weekend!

Today, you will find your Day 5 freebie from The 12 Days of a Teacher's Christmas bloghop and giveaway! Here are some of the products you can win!

Be sure to enter the Rafflecopter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

The freebie I have for you today is a few pages from my upcoming product, My Christmas Practice Packet! I hope you can use these for those days when things are crazy and you need some activities to keep little ones from climbing the walls!

Tomorrow (Friday) you will want to hop on over to Colleen's blog Totally Terrific in Texas! I can't wait to see her freebie!


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