Sunday, August 12, 2012


Holy MOLY! I go back to school TOMORROW! I mean, I don't "have" to be there until next Monday, but I have way to much to do to follow that logic, haa! :) Plus, sweet Keith told me he wants to take some time off at the end of the week and wants to spend time together this weekend...I think he has as hard a time transitioning back to me going to school as I do. Actually, I know he does, haha. So...I want to get as much done as I can this week while he's working. :) I'm going to try to do all of my organization stuff first...before my walls. I always neglect the organizing. :) Plus, since we have blank walls at the beginning of the year, it's easy to put some butcher paper up!

I have a goal this year, and that's to have my littles write the date on their assignments. Not on EVERYTHING, but at least one or two a day. To help with that, I made these cute little signs to hang up. The number/dates and days of the week will be on a ring so they can easily be changed each day...the month will just be magnetized. TPT isn't accepting new products, so email me and I will send them to you! :)


  1. I like the colors. :)

  2. Those are adorable! I'd love a copy!


  3. I LOVE these! Can you please send them to me?

    Thank you!!!!
