Saturday, February 20, 2016

Valentine's Day Recap

Hi friends! Happy Saturday! I wanted to stop by and share some fun we had for Valentine's Day! I know it's a little late for this year, but hopefully these ideas will be of help to you next year! :) 

A few weeks ago, I wrote all about preparing for your party! If you can't tell, I seriously LOVE Valentine's Day!! You can read that here!

Now for some details on the fun we had! The day of our party was also I Love My Job Day. it's our version of Career Day and the kiddos love it. But we don't have a ton of time before the party, so I spread some of our activities throughout the week. We usually did like 1 fun thing each afternoon. It worked out perfectly that it was on a Friday...I'm just not sure I could handle it any other day haa!

We read one of our favorite Valentine's read-alouds...Crankenstein Valentine

Then we did a little directed drawing. I LOVE how they turned out!

On the hearts, they wrote things Crankenstein would have said at the beginning and things he said at the end. I accidentally had them write "before" and "after" but it should have said beginning and end! :) 

Here's the fancy drawing I did on the board for them, hahaha!! Sorry about the blur!!

I found this little pack at Target and knew it would be a perfect way to practice fine motor and get some writing in during Valentine's week! It was a little harder than I thought for some of my friends, but it was great practice and they were SO engaged even if it was hard for them.

Then they did a little writing about the person they had created. I wanted to make sure they were actually practicing important skills so their story had to have characters, setting, a problem, and a solution.

We spent lots of time making Valentine's for people NOT in our room. I knew they would be sharing Valentine's during our party, so I wanted them to spend some time making some for their family, our librarian, cafeteria staff, etc.

I had lots of supplies for them from Target for them to use! :)

I did let them use glitter...I'm not really sure why. It just kind of happened. They asked and I said okay and then THIS happened. 

For our party, we had lots of fun snacks! I had parents come in and help get it all set up while I had my lunch break! Most of them had never had chocolate covered fruit and it was so precious. We just melted some almond bark in a crockpot (with a liner...don't forget this step or you will hate me forever.) I did put out some cheese later cause you know...#balance. 

Here's the gifts I gave them. A little note and a baggie of candy and silly putty. I know that a lot of schools ask for non-candy treats. This year I decided to just go the traditional route, but there are SO many non-food ideas!

Now I'm off to have lunch with my future sister in law and head to Austin for a wedding! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! :) 

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