Saturday, January 2, 2016

January Currently

Hi friends! Happy January 2nd! I just stopped by to do a fun little Currently post! I promise to have a Guided Reading post up this week! :) I love creating these, but even more, I love reading what all my blogging buddies are doing "currently!" It's definitely my favorite on-going linky party! 

So my brothers told me to start watching this show on Netflix, and my mind is just blown. I'm 4 episodes in, and it is STRESSING. ME. OUT. It's super close to the Serial're trying to figure out if a man has been framed or if he is truly guilty. It's definitely not light hearted, but super interesting! 

I've taken a lot of time off from blogging, social media, TPT, school since we got off for Winter Break, and it has been wonderful! I'm excited to get back into a routine and creating makes me so happy! But it was such a blessing to have some time away! 

I had a fabulous Christmas Eve with my family, and then we headed to Las Vegas Christmas morning with my inlaws. If you know us, you know we LOVE Vegas! We saw 2 shows, gambled a LOT, and ate some amazing food!

We always spend New Year's with my cousins and family. :) I definitely needed a day to recover after that, haha! Holy Moly that's a lot of red heads!

One of my sweet besties, Jessica at Elementary Nest, sent me the BEST workout tanktops EVER! They're both from Ruffles with Love and they are so comfy!! After this post, I'm heading to the gym and tryign to decide which one to wear! :) 

Brunch is definitely my favorite meal! We discovered Black Walnut Cafe a few months ago, and every weekend I beg my family to go with me, hahahah! They have this Challah Bread French good. I don't have any pictures, but if you live in Texas, you should DEFINITELY go there! They have amazing lunch and dinner too and a Gelato bar! 

I have no pictures to show you how badly I NEED to clean my house. If I did, you would probably never visit my blog ever again! We are putting our house on the market so it's even MORE important that I get my booty up and cleaning! 

For my one little word this year, I chose change. I see so many changes ahead in 2016. Last year, I started to change my health habits, and I'm so excited to continue that this year! We are also moving...GAH! I'm excited, nervous, sad, anxious, happy, thrilled, and basically every other emotion a person can have about moving! I have absolutely loved our home that we purchased a few years ago. It's time to "change" but change is definitely NOT my favorite thing! :) I am so excited though to see what the rest of this year has in store for us! 

Head over to Farley's blog to read all the other fun Currently posts! Be sure to leave comments! It makes a blogger's day to get comments! :) 


  1. CHANGE is a powerful word! We must embrace change and make it work.
    BTW, love your tank tops!


  2. Hi Haley!! Your blog is so cute!! I found it via Farley's link up and I am looking forward to read future posts (I am your newest follower!). I freaking love the workout tank tops---so cute!

    Mind Sparks

  3. Change is something I've learned to "roll with" over the past six years, and it has brought so many GOOD things into my life! I hope yours continues to be blessed with family fun and all of your favorite things!
    Stories and Songs in Second
