Saturday, March 28, 2015

Five for Friday (errr....Saturday...)

Hi! Long time no talk!! I'm super excited to be linking up with Kacey to share a little fun going on in our class this week! 

I've said before how much I love Kid Pix. Especially when we have a special project to do. My kiddos came in with a lot of schema about living and nonliving so I wanted to add a little fun into our week. I had them show pictures of living and nonliving items and then label each one. We hit a lot of standards all at one time! :) We printed them out...I forgot to take pictures of the finished projects but they were just as cute as you can imagine!! 

I posted these yesterday on FB and Instagram because they had so much fun. It's part of our Investigations math curriculum, but I will be doing this activity forever! I just cut long strips of butcher paper for them and told them to count as high as they could. Easy peasy!! I had them use 2 different smelly markers for odd and even but you totally wouldn't have to! Another idea would be having them switch markers each time they get to a new group of 10! And always add smelly markers...they make everything better! 

This was actually last week...whoops! But it was too precious not to post!! My sweet Liam came to visit me for lunch and he stayed for our science lesson. We used oreos to show the phases of the fun! This idea has been floating around for years and I think it is just brilliant!! 

I have been knee deep in making a new data binder, but I stopped to finish this inferring product I started last year. I will be using tons of the activities as we studying inferring over the next few weeks. :) 

And finally...I'm having a sale this weekend! 20% off everything in my store! I know lots of my friends are too, so head over to their stores as well! :) I will definitely be stocking up on lots of great materials this weekend! :) 

Head on over to Kacey's blog and check out tons of other fabulous 5 for Friday posts!! 


  1. I'm impressed that you've made time to create a new product. I haven't posted anything new in a long while. Smelly markers DO make everything better!
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. I'm going to have to check out Kid Pix! We are doing living and non-living right now too and I bet my kids would love that activity!

    PS: Your blog design is soon cute!!

    A Pinch of Kinder

  3. I love kid pix! I have forgotten about that program and I'm so glad I saw how your students used it to remind me of all the possibilities! Your counting strips activity looks great, smelly markers make everything better! Have a great day!

    Teach Talk Inspire

  4. Love everything! You're a busy gal!

