Monday, September 1, 2014


Hi friends! This teacher is WIPED!! I don't have much to blog about...I'm exhausted and my brain is fried!! So Currently is the perfect way to connect with all my sweet  friends!! I hope to have some pictures for you soon!! This year, I'm making sure I don't use my personal devices to take pictures of my sweets. My principal was so kind to get us all a digital camera for our team so we can still take great shots. :) It just means I will have to be more creative with my blog posts. :) You probably won't see any little faces...even covered up. I'm thinking I will just snap photos of their work and maybe their hands. :) What is your schools' policy? I'd love to hear!! :) 

First of cute is this Currently? I seriously think it's my favorite ever. Those campers are TO DIE FOR. They remind me alot of sweet Sarah Cooley's clipart. I seriously love, love, love, love, love all her sets!! Now let's chat! :) 
No surprise here, right friends?!? Haley's watching Criminal Minds or Law and Order...#shocking! :) I'll probably switch over to EastBound and Down soon. This show is NOT for the faint of heart, hahaha. But omg it is hilarious. I cry I laugh so hard on like every episode. At least I'm multitasking! I hate chores...but I kind of love putting laundry IN the machine. It makes me feel all productive. The problem is after the goal is to fold it all today. Who thinks I can do it?!?!? kiddos this year...PRECIOUS. We had a fabulous first week. Friday was a little rough...they actually said this to me during our afternoon meeting. "You are a really nice teacher...but we were really bad so you had to be a mean teacher." HAHAHA!! It broke my heart and made me laugh at the exact same time. They are a fabulous group...I'm super excited for the diversity this year! :) I have already heard some precious conversations about their different families and religions! I have 19 right now...hoping for one more to even out my groups. :) I can't wait to start this week...we will really get into our schedule and curriculum! 

I can't believe I left my planner at school! Fortunately, I hadn't written too much in it for the upcoming week!'s only the 2nd week and I'm already forgetting things?!? Come ON!!! for the fun part. Here's some of the things I'm wanting. I didn't realize it until I made this but I had 4 of the same color (white!) on my wishlist, hahaha. SOOO...I deleted them and picked my favorite. :) The best part is the white ones are part of the Kind Campaign! Some of the proceeds go toward the fabulous charity. I will probably be purchasing those today...SHH!! :) 

So...this teacher's feet HURT! I've been having issues for a few months and I finally went to the doctor this week. Tuesday it was so bad I couldn't even enjoy my pedicure. :( Apparently I have plantars facitis and tendonitis. Teachers are seriously at risk for it. :( And I don't make it any better by wearing cheap sandals and flats with no support. I seriously need to get some good shoes with support and a good arch. Do you have any suggestions?? 

Random, right?!?!?!? First...Thailand. It seriously just looks SOO gorgeous Our besties are from Japan. Well, she is and he spent lots of time there. Our godson is the most precious  little guy and he is part Japanese. We really want to travel with them there one day. :) Finally, we would love to go to Ireland. Being that I'm an O'Connor now I feel like I HAVE to go!! :) 

Now head on over to Farley's blog and link up! Don't forget to visit other blogs and comment. :) 

Have you seen Currently from the classroom?!? It is seriously SO cute. We are starting tomorrow. I think it's the perfect little thing to keep in their writing portfolio. :)

Currently for Your Classroom 2nd Edition
This one is my favorite because the clipart is in black/white so my littles can color them! :) 


  1. Hi Haley..every year I vow to wear better shoes to work! Let me know if you find anything good and comfy!

    Second Grade Schmooze

  2. I wear sketchers flex... They have memory foam in them and they are AWESOME!!! I love them! Also, Ireland would be a wonderful place to visit!!

  3. I still take photos with my phone and print them for class, but if I ever post them online their faces are covered/blurred out (or a lot of hand photos).
    My feet hurt too, mostly because I am not used to wearing shoes other than flip flops (although I war those to school too:):)

  4. Oh my gosh, I NEVER get to the folding and putting away of laundry. I'm all for the washing then living out of the basket for the week :)
    I haven't gone back yet (tomorrow is a conference day, then kiddos come on Wednesday), but I've been having issues with my right foot. Way back in HS, I injured it playing sports, and I thought maybe I just tweaked it or something. But, now that you say we teachers are at risk for plantar fasciitis and tendonitis, I'm thinking it could be something related. I looked it up a couple weeks ago and though I had some sort of tendon issue along the outside of my foot...ugh. I don't wear super supportive shoes either. Yikes! I'm nervous to see how my foot will react when I'm back to teaching and on my feet all. day. long. I'm hoping there will be some great shoe suggestions on here I can try out. :)
    Hangin' with Mrs. Cooper

  5. Hi Haley-thanks for sharing your currently with us! I hear you on the achy feet, i guess it's just territory with being a teacher :/ SO far, crocs are the best that I've tried, but I need to take the plunge and buy some danskos.

    Anyway, enjoy whats left of the weekend :)

    Ventaneando: A Window Into First Grade Bilingüe

  6. I just love my group of firsties this year too!!! So excited to see what this year holds for us!


  7. I wear dansko clogs or keens. great support and worth the money. with danskos it is good to be able to try them on instead of buying online. The way they are made each shoe is slightly different. I tried 3 of the same size before getting the pair that felt right.

  8. Um... Can I go to Ireland with you? :) I know I am late on commenting on your post! I read each and every single one because you're just so sweet and clever! I'm totally slacking on the whole blogging thing though. I hope your school year is going well! And, I hope you found some comfy shoes!!
    Missing Tooth Grins
